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History demolished in Nanticoke

People stood and watched as buildings on Main Street in Nanticoke were demolished due to safety concerns

NANTICOKE, Pa. — Heavy equipment blocked part of East Main Street in Nanticoke as demolition crews prepared to bring down a building that housed furniture stores and other businesses for decades.

The demolition brought many folks out to watch.

“It's going to be different, just seeing another empty lot around here,” said Christopher O’Rorke.

A couple of weeks ago, the building was deemed unsafe by city leaders who said it needed to come down.

For some, standing on this block brings back childhood memories.

“All of these were stores, and they were bustling with business. We used to come Christmas shopping here. They would decorate everything all in Christmas lights it was when we were kids, this was the big time, big city,” said Steve Masakowski.

“Not going to be too much left, and these are all memories I've had since I was a little kid, you know? Watching parades when I was little standing here when they used to throw candy at you when you were little from the firetrucks,” said Jeff Vitz.

People who grew up in Nanticoke tell Newswatch 16 it's sad to see a piece of history get torn down, but they hope this means brighter days ahead for the city.

“Well, I hope so. I mean, it does need to be gone, and the place was abandoned for years and years. The place was in dilapidated shape. I heard the roof was caving in on it. I don't know about the rest of these buildings here, but you know it's just sad to see the history go, you know,” said Vitz.

“I lived away from here for many years, and then when I retired, I moved back, and I like it here. I like it back here because I know my neighbors and people here are generally very friendly, so I am happy to see this progress I call it,” said Masakowski.

This part of East Main Street in Nanticoke is now open.

Work will continue until the property is cleared.

At this point, there is no plan for anything to be built in its place.

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