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Hazleton man leaves over one million dollars to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

After almost a lifetime of giving donations to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Gerald Lacattiva decided to continue his legacy of helping children.

HAZLETON, Pa. — Gerald "Jerry" Lacattiva was born and raised in Hazleton and was prominently known for his passion for helping children battling cancer. Before his passing in 2021, he discussed his plans for a generous donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

Three years later, officials from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital gathered at Hazleton City Hall to accept a check for over $1 million. That gift comes from the estate of Hazleton resident Jerry Lacattiva. 

A close friend of Lacattiva's and personal attorney, John Rodgers, worked through the years to bring his wish to life. 

"Their commitment to the children of not only our community but of the entire world is unmatched. When this all began, Jerry felt like he wanted to make a difference, and he wanted to do something to help make the world a better place," said John Rodgers.

Lacattiva's gift will help fund an advanced research lab at the St. Jude campus in Memphis, Tennessee, founded by Danny Thomas. St. Jude's philanthropic advisor, Jennifer Goldsmith, says the impact of this donation goes beyond those four walls.

"Danny did not want any child to die in the dawn of life, and when Danny said that, he didn't mean any child in Memphis or any child in the United States. He meant any child everywhere," said Jennifer Goldsmith. 

Officials with St. Jude say research for this lab will be shared with hospitals worldwide.

In addition, St. Jude will work with the World Health Organization to provide medication free of charge to children worldwide. Jerry Lacattiva campaigned for this during his life. Lacattiva also worked closely with John Moses, the former President and CEO of St. Jude's Memphis campus, to deliver this gift before his passing.

The son of John Moses followed the development of this gift closely after his passing. He says, "My father and Jerry both understood the need that you're not just treating a child, you're treating an entire family and you have to support the entire family. Gifts like this make that possible."

Claudia Bafunno from Drums is living proof of that. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor at two years old. She credits St. Jude for being here now at 25 years old and cancer-free. 

"I would love more people like me to be able to enjoy life the way I have. I couldn't imagine if things had gone any other way," says Bafunno. 

A plaque will be placed at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to honor Jerry Lacattiva and his family's million-dollar donation.

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