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Dupont rings in the New Year polka style

Newswatch 16's Claire Alfree shares how dancing is bringing families together.

DUPONT, Pa. — Bob says the VFW in Dupont has always been his home, the place he went home to after finishing 3 tours in the Vietnam War.

“I've been here for the past 30 New Year's Eves,” said Bob Lopata, VFW Post 4909 Jr. Vice Commander.

Opening not only their doors to anyone wanting some company while ringing in the new year but also the dance floor.

This year they got the festivities started early with a new year's polka dance.

Where locals and visitors like Joe from New York danced in unison.

“We visit with friends and other polka bands in other areas of the northeast,” Joe Morgiewicz said.

What makes this polka party stand out is the family feel throughout the halls of the Dupont VFW.

A feeling John Stevens and his band can feel with every song they play.

“You can come in and know no one in the place, but by the time you leave, you are their brother, their sister, their mom, or your dad if you're younger,” he said.

For Joe, polka brought his family together.

“Until I was 18, I had no idea this world existed. But my parents met at a polka dance, my wife's parents met at a polka dance, her and I met at a polka dance,” Morgiewicz added.

Inspiring him to dedicate his life to teaching and performing polkas across the world.

He's now met new friends to dance with.

Adding the polka atmosphere makes him feel like they've known the other people on the dance floor for years.

“We have so many friends that are involved in it, it's like family, it's outside of family,” Morgiewicz explained.

He hopes to welcome 2024, like every year, with a pep in his step.

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