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Dragon Boat Racing energizes RiverFest

After getting rained out earlier this summer, RiverFest returned to Wilkes-Barre and the shores of the Susquehanna River this weekend.

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. — The conditions on the Susquehanna River were perfect for these serpents returning to the water for Dragon Boat Races.

"River conditions are fantastic. Last year, we were at it was reading negative numbers; we're scraping bottom. No, this is about three feet. These are about as ideal as you can get," said John Maday, Executive Director, Riverfront Parks Committee.

"We thought it was gonna be a little higher, a little faster. Thankfully, it's not because it's fast enough the way it is," said Ken Oslecki, volunteer.

All for the Riverfront Parks Committee's RiverFest that takes place every year in Wilkes-Barre.

"We have ten teams, and you're right, there was a lot of energy. There are new teams today, and that creates even more energy," said Maday.

"We've been doing this every year for years, maybe now nine years. You offer the boats to corporate teams, community teams, municipal teams, anybody who wants to participate and have a good time," said Oslecki.

One team was made up of students from Kings College.

"We're just having fun; honestly, that's like the reason why we're out here. We're having fun; we're bringing together. I mean, it's a lot of fun. It's a good time. I'm happy we're here," said Junior Ardila, King's College student.

RiverFest serves as one of the Riverfront Parks Committee's biggest fundraisers of the year.

"Funds are very important to fund everything else we do. But it also gives people doubt along the river enjoying the environment," added Maday.

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