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Bridge closure gets security upgrade

A closed bridge that has turned into an unofficial pedestrian walkway will soon be off-limits for everyone.

PITTSTON, Pa. — The Firefighters Memorial Bridge, also known as the Water Street Bridge, has been closed since it failed an inspection in 2021.

For two years, people have been able to cross on foot and bikes, with some even ignoring the traffic signs and driving over it. But now, the county is ensuring people and cars stay off the bridge until it's replaced.

The signs and plastic fencing have not kept people off the bridge that crosses the Susquehanna River and connects Pittston and West Pittston.

"Clearly, this temporary fencing is not working," said Pittston Mayor Michael Lombardo. "We had a truck driver that moved the barricades. I think he thought they were just a suggestion."

And that seems to be the thinking of many people who bike and walk over the bridge regularly, but that's no longer an option.

"Yeah, there'll be an angel with a flaming sword here pretty soon," joked Charles Brown.

The county owns this bridge and has crews putting up a fence to prevent all types of traffic.

"I am glad they're putting this fence up because something sitting idle like this is nothing but a potential problem," said West Pittston Mayor Angelo Alfano.

"It's just presenting and sort of a tempting danger that if you had traffic on it, you wouldn't see that, and because there's no traffic on it now. You know, I think people are doing some things that are fun but dangerous," Mayor Lombardo said.

The chain link used on both sides of this bridge is called a no-climb chain link, and it's really tiny. It's small enough to get your fingers in but too small to get your feet in. They are also putting wings on the side of the fence to go over the bridge railings so people can't climb through and get onto the bridge.

"They're really covering the access to try to limit it to nobody," Mayor Alfano said.

There will be gates along the sidewalk and road for emergency access.

While some folks are sad to see the bridge fully closed, officials in both Pittston and West Pittston say this is a good sign.

In June, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced that $19 million in grant money will go to replace both the Firefighters Memorial Bridge and the Dale J. Kridlo Memorial Bridge over the Susquehanna River.

"The fact that the money's already earmarked for us will really help get this project moving forward sooner," Alfano added.

Officials could not give a timeline for when the bridge will be replaced.

First, there will be environmental studies, flood protection studies, and traffic studies to help engineers develop a design and fix the traffic congestion this closure has caused, especially on the West Pittston side.

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