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The aftermath of Saturday's storms in Scranton

After Leggetts Creek went over its banks, neighbors who live along Leggett Street say it looks like a war zone and have little hopes of rebuilding.

SCRANTON, Pa. — From Skycam 16, you can get an idea of the damage along Leggetts Creek in Scranton after it broke its banks and flooded this area.

On the ground, rocks, mud, and debris cover where the street should be.

Dave Kozlansky lives on Leggett Street and says he didn't think much of it when it started to rain, but then it all happened so fast.

"The road was being flooded.  A neighbor was here, and we were talking.  It was just coming down, like pieces of macadam and stuff you would never believe you'd see.  Only on TV or like a horror movie," Kozlansky said.

Dave called his brother George who runs his business out of a garage two doors down, when the waters started to rise, but by the time he got there, it was too late. George lost several cars and most of his equipment.

"Three hours later, I was watching it float down the river.  Honestly, there's no exaggeration, and I can't believe that quickly this could transpire," said George Kozlansky.

"We could watch it from the other side of the creek and do nothing about it because we couldn't get down here.  It's just devastating to see what happened after it was all over with," said Lori Kozlansky.

The city recently finished a project to build up the banks of Leggetts Creek to protect this area from flood waters. Now all that material is in neighbors' yards.

"And it's a shame because it was literally less than a week it was finished, and then this is what happened.  I don't even know what to say," George said.

People who live here say they've lived through flooding before, but it's never been this bad.

"It turned vehicles over, it took my brother's boat trailer all the way down the river.  It took a utility van to another neighbor's property," Dave said.

"I don't know what the future holds.  I know flood areas can do this to you, but I never saw something like this," George said.

Neighbors tell us they expect the buildings to be condemned, and they will have to find somewhere else to go.

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