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Scranton police chief discusses gang violence

Scranton Police Chief Tom Carroll says combating gang violence is nothing new for police in Scranton, and it's a constant battle to minimize it.

SCRANTON, Pa. — Scranton Police Chief Tom Carroll worries about the escalation of violence involving gangs.

This after Detective Kyle Gilmartin was shot investigating gang-related crimes in the city last week.

"A tragedy like this causes great concern, especially for police officers and the community," said Chief Tom Carroll, Scranton Police Department.

Chief Carroll says gang violence is nothing new to the city, "We are not being invaded. These are our own citizens who pick a lifestyle that isn't compatible with our laws and our community. That's where we come in to enforce the law."

Chief Carroll says the age of gang members is becoming the bigger issue.

Recently, police have arrested more juveniles for gang-related crimes. For example, those involved in a June 2022 stabbing in the city. The problem is keeping those repeat offenders off the streets.

"There is a recruiting effort to get younger kids who are vulnerable to join these organizations. Unfortunately, many times that occurs. We are arresting them very young with loaded firearms," explained Chief Carroll.

Chief Carroll says the Scranton Police Department has been working with other agencies over the years to collaborate and share information. That's why they were able to act so quickly to round up known gang members after Detective Gilmartin was shot in the hopes of deterring gang violence in the city.

"We're not dealing with this. There's a message to be sent that this is not the place for your violence. We don't want it," added Chief Carroll.

Chief Carroll is thankful for the support from the community for his department and for Detective Gilmartin. His officer is the latest reason they will continue to fight against gang-related crimes. "He is hanging in there strong. We are proud of him and his family, and we will make him proud," he said.

Chief Carroll urges people in the community to come forward with information on any gang-related activity. You can even report tips anonymously to Scranton Police.

If you'd like to see the full interview with Chief Carroll, you can watch it below on WNEP's YouTube channel.

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