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On the road to rebuilding Gin's Tavern

A beloved restaurant in Wyoming County is on track to rebuild after being destroyed by a fire on May 19.

FACTORYVILLE, Pa. — A day filled with food, live music, and sharing good memories of Gin's Tavern in Factoryville.

"As soon as you walked in, they greeted you would meet someone new or see an old friend.. it was always fun no matter what we did, go for dinner or listen to the music," said Sherry Sakosky, Scranton.

Last month the Wyoming County staple went up in flames. 

People who call Gin's Tavern a second home jumped into action to organize a benefit at the Fleetville Volunteer Fire Department.

"We're used to giving, and to be on the receiving end is so overwhelming," said Sandy Kostick, Gin's Tavern co-owner.

"It hasn't been short of volunteers and donations, people of all aspects coming together. It's been really amazing, and I think it's a testament to who they are that everyone wants to be so involved and so willing to help because, at some point, they've probably received that from them as well," said Mallory Griggs, benefit coordinator.

The motto at Gin's since 1955 has been 'You're a stranger but once.' And that was true for just about everyone who came out to the benefit. 

They say it's the least they can do to help get their favorite place back in business.

"We felt horrible when we saw the fire. We love Gin's. They have awesome food, they are great people. We have a cottage on Lake Sheridan, so that is our go-to place. We just wanted to support them," said Holly Smith, Scranton.

Organizers had some tricks up their sleeves to surprise the family with special items lost in the fire.

The community chipped in to order a new stained glass window, and outdoor signs, along with owner Mark's beloved guitar. The family was presented with replicas to grace the new Gin's.

"They are all coming home because Gin's legitimately is our first home, we all have homes. But Gin's is our home, so we are all going to go home soon," said Sandy Kostick.

Money raised from the benefit will not only help rebuild Gin's Tavern but support the employees impacted by the fire.

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