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New teacher excited to meet students

During back to school time we tend to focus on students, but there are those entering the classroom for the first time as teachers.

TAYLOR, Pa. — Marli Hoskins has been spending a lot of time inside her classroom at Riverside Junior/Senior High School in Taylor.

"Getting the classroom ready, getting my curriculum together, just getting ready to get back into my routine," Marli Hoskins said.

As many teachers get ready to return to school after many years on the job, Hoskins will welcome students to her classroom for the first time as a new teacher.  Hoskins recently graduated from Marywood University but she went to high school at Riverside.

"When I knew that I wanted to be a teacher, I knew that I wanted to teach here because I wanted to give back to everything that I've gotten from the district," Hoskins said.

Pennsylvania has a shortage of teachers.  According to the Department of Education, as of last year there were more than 2,100 vacant teaching positions.  While Hoskins says it can be daunting to see so many teachers leaving the business as she is just getting into it, she is still  optimistic.

"I think that if you're committed to the students and you have that support system from your district, from your home life, from your family, it can be successful.  It's all about what you put into it," Hoskins said.

Hoskins is teaching freshman physical science and junior/senior ecology.  She says this is what she's meant to do and she's excited to start her teaching career where she started her own education.

"Because I got so much out of my own education, I think it's really special that teachers get to be that person that turns on lightbulbs for students and helps them find their passions and understand the world around them.  I think that it's a very special thing to be able to be part of that process," Hoskins said.

Marli Hoskins says she is most excited to meet her students. 

Riverside School District starts classes on Wednesday, September 4th.  

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