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Gemini Recovery Center celebrates grand opening

Newswatch 16's Emily Kress gives us a look at the new treatment center in Scranton.

SCRANTON, Pa. — With the ribbon cut, Gemini Recovery Center officially celebrates its grand opening on Capouse Avenue in Scranton. 

"Our logo symbolizes the Gemini twins, so you are coming in one way and you're leaving doing better essentially that is our mission to have people come in and get a second chance," explained executive director Alexis Baez. 

The center offers different outpatient treatment options for people dealing with substance abuse.

"We also do trauma, grief therapy, family programming so we can have the family be a part of the treatment process, which I think is super important cause it is a family disease ultimately," said Baez. 

The clinical director at Gemini Recovery Center says while there may be other outpatient locations in the area, many of them are overwhelmed with the demand of people in need of services.

"They have not had enough time to really individualize each case and individualize each person's comorbidities. Maybe that will separate us here a little bit. We understand people are coming here with not just substance abuse but other mental health issues," said Vincent Carolan. 

Officials and community members attended the grand opening to tour the new facility and learn about its benefits. City of Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti told Newswatch 16 that having the center makes treatment more accessible.

"We are encouraged every time a facility like this opens anywhere in our region but especially in Scranton this is a great neighborhood we have here in Pine Brook I think this fits really well to make sure people have a central location to come to," said Mayor Cognetti. 

Gemini Recovery Center already has begun seeing clients.

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