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Faithful gather for 99th St. Ann's Novena in Scranton

With song and prayer, the annual solemn novena in honor of Saint Ann got underway on Monday morning.

SCRANTON, Pa. — It is the week the faithful gather in Lackawanna County; the annual solemn novena to Saint Ann began Monday morning.

It is nine days of devotion to the woman Christians believe is the grandmother of Jesus. The first mass of the day, as is tradition, is held outdoors before hundreds.

That included Jim and Mary Lesho of Scranton.

"It's sacred, hallowed ground, just by the volume of people that come and their attitude and their prayerfulness. I think that speaks for itself," Mary Lesho said.

The novena is centered on prayer, with many of the people gathered praying for help from Saint Ann for themselves or family. But this is also nine days centered on getting together with friends, neighbors, and people who share your beliefs.

"It's a way to renew your faith, a closeness, centered and grounded in your community, friends that always come here you see year after year," Jim Lesho said.

For Jim and Mary, it's a case of day after day, too they will return many times before the novena ends.

The people in charge at St. Ann's Basilica Shrine believe as many as 12,000 people will visit this week, and you will be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn't been here before.

Gert Bolick of Dunmore didn't have an exact number, but she estimates this is her 25th novena.

"It's inspiring. It makes you feel like you're closer to God," said Bolick. "You leave here today, and you're so inspired by what they tell you, and you can live a better life."

The novena ends July 26, the feast day of Saint Ann.

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