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An abundance of flowers will brighten Nay Aug Park

The Electric City Flower Show is bringing 150 vendors, flower displays, presentations, and an all-new Artist's Co-Op.

SCRANTON, Pa. — To celebrate the arrival of summer, Nay Aug Park is hosting the 3rd Annual Electric City Flower Show this Saturday, June 29th, from 10 am to 4 pm. 

Organizers of the Electric City Flower Show say you don't have to be a gardener to join the fun and enter the competitions. It's a way for the community to come together and witness the beauty of gardening. 

The best part, chief organizer Carol Deeley says, "It's all free, and there are 150 competitors so far this year, and then we've got presentations going on from 11 o'clock. We've got live music from 11 o'clock."

Unique presentations like an antique Volkswagen beetle full of flowers by Lavish Scranton will be on display throughout Nay Aug Park for the Electric City Flower Show. 

A butterfly presentation will be held at the butterfly garden for kids and adults alike to enjoy. 

The flower show will have various presentations throughout the park. You can find the location and schedule of the presentations within the park on the program offered at the show. Organizers say there will be plenty of volunteers to help you as well. 

New to the Electric City Flower Show this year, the Artist's Co-Op. Local artists will have their paintings for you to enjoy and buy. A percentage of the sale price will be donated to a women's refuge in Scranton.

The Everhart Museum, within Nay Aug Park, is partnering with the Electric City Flower Show for yet another year. The museum is granting free admission for the day, and having various activities to celebrate the flower show. Starting at noon on Saturday, the museum will have live music, face painting, geology demonstrations, tintype photography, 3d printing, and sweet treats!

The museum is kicking off the flower show with its Everhart in Bloom Happy Hour event on Friday, June 28th, from 5 PM to 8 PM. Tickets for the Everhart in Bloom Happy Hour event are $20 at the door.

Everhart Museum CEO Tim Holmes says, "That is happening. The weather is looking spectacular. We're excited to be under this tent right here! It's $20 at the door if you haven't already bought your advanced ticket. Marko Marcinko is going to be here. We're going to have a great selection of beers and ciders and fun stuff like that. We'll have barbeque."

The happy hour event will have drinks, food, live music, and free admission to the museum. The museum has a flower exhibit to coincide with the free flower show and many other exhibits to enjoy. Winners of the Electric City Flower Show Photography competition will also be on display in the museum. 

The museum is also bringing back the bee exhibit for the flower show. A feature that has been highly requested according to the Everhart Museum CEO. 

Deeley says she will continue to keep the Electric City Flower Show free of charge so that everyone can attend and enjoy. The Electric City Flower Show will have food trucks as well within Nay Aug Park. To learn more about the Electric City Flower Show on Saturday, June 29th, click here.

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