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Election worker spends 72 years at the polls

At one polling place in Lackawanna County, there's a worker whose dedication is yet to be matched.

THROOP, Pa. — Just as sure as you can be that Election Day falls on a Tuesday, voters in Throop can be sure they'll see Phyllis Mikulski when they show up to vote.

Harry Truman was president when Phyllis started working the polls, and she's served 14 presidents since.

"I think you should vote. I'm a great believer in voting. I don't like anyone to tell me they don't vote!"

This is her 72nd year as a poll worker in Throop. She was asked to fill in for a poll worker who was sick on Election Day in 1949, and she's showed up to help twice a year ever since. Phyllis turned 95 in February.

"My knees are bad, but otherwise, my mind is sharp!" she said.

A lot has changed in her 72 years at the polls, but new voting technology doesn't intimidate her. Phyllis has an iPhone and texts her son in Florida every day.

Though she believes strongly in her civic duty, there's another reason why she's been doing this for decades.

"Because I love to talk,  I'm a talker, I love to talk, and I love people. I used to love to come out, and I didn't have any work, so it was just going out to those places to see people."

Seeing people in person is a luxury Phyllis has missed this past year, so she's soaking it up this Election Day. And she says she will be here in November, serving her hometown.

"Oh, Throop is wonderful," she said. "I would never want to leave here. I love Throop ."

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