LACKAWANNA COUNTY -- We're about a week into fall, but Monday's weather provided a short summer vacation for some students in Lackawanna County.
Other students worked out of cooler classrooms for the day.
Sixth graders studied with lights off and windows open at Carbondale Area Elementary Monday. It helped keep it a little cooler.
"Our elementary building, it does become a little bit warm whenever the temperature rises about 85, so we did have a plan in place and we're executing it today," said Superintendent Robert Mehalick.
Mehalick told Newswatch 16 the plan was to move students from classrooms and into air-conditioned spaces like the gym and the high school's auditorium.
"We're rolling with it, and we're going to enjoy it. Hopefully, this is going to be a problem we have for the next two months!" Mehalick added.
Students in the Scranton School District were sent home early. Some of the district's buildings do have air conditioning, but the early dismissal was city-wide.
"During the summer when you want to go out to the pool, it's not hot, but now the sun's beating down on us," said Scranton High School sophomore Jordan Yisrael.
Some Scranton students took advantage of the summer weather and extra time, stopping for a milkshake before going home. Others had typical teenage plans.
"I guess I get out of school early to go to sleep because I didn't sleep a lot during the weekend," added sophomore Tariq Rivera.
Scranton's younger students had plans, too, for the late September summer break.
"We already closed our pool weeks ago, but we're going to go do some water balloons and play outside," said Candi Thomas, a parent of two students at Charles Sumner Elementary in west Scranton.
The heat was of particular concern at Scranton's elementary schools, many of the buildings are older and not air-conditioned.
"I think they did a great job organizing it because they let it out last week. It's good for the kids. They can't be in school when it's hot," Thomas added.
The Scranton School District announced Monday afternoon that students will be dismissed early again Tuesday because of the potentially record-breaking heat.