LACKAWANNA COUNTY, Pa. — Pennsylvania American Water customers will have the chance to voice their concerns over a proposed rate hike.
Residential customers could see their bills increase by about 17 dollars a month, but some lawmakers are worried it could be even more.
The average monthly residential wastewater bill for sanitary sewer service would decrease by approximately $5 per month, and the average monthly residential wastewater bill for combined sewer service would increase by approximately $4 per month, according to the company.
This period presents a significant opportunity for the community, especially those with fixed incomes and elderly citizens, to actively participate in the ongoing discourse surrounding the water/sewer rate hike.
An office has been set up in Downtown Scranton at 341 North Washington Avenue, where people can submit their complaints.
The public can then attend a hearing on the issue the week of January 29th.
A location or time has not been announced.
The final decision on the rate increase is expected by August.