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Celebrating 'Parade Day' without the parade

The lack of parade in Scranton did not stop restaurants from having St. Patrick's Day specials.

SCRANTON, Pa. — The parade did not step off on Saturday morning in downtown Scranton, but there were still people celebrating St. Paddy's Day.

The Waldorf Club on Scranton's East Mountain hosted a non-parade day party.

The kitchen cooked up ham and cabbage for the occasion, and there was entertainment for folks to enjoy. 

Visitors told Newswatch 16 that they are so used to celebrating their Irish heritage on the Saturday before St. Patrick's Day, that parade or not, they wanted to do something to mark the holiday.

"This day means a lot to me and a lot of people, we're here to have a good time, safely with masks, social distancing, it's just what we want to do. People are going to go out as long as they do it safely. And I think that's okay," said Danny King of Scranton.

The Waldorf did limit ticket sales to the non-parade event to comply with COVID-19 restrictions.

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