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Amid the darkness of war, Hanukkah shines through for the Scranton Jewish community

A celebration of light shining through the dark times for the Jewish Community.

SCRANTON, Pa. — Hanukkah is a celebration of light shining through the dark times for the Jewish community in our area.

"We'll line up the menorahs, and people will come up to light them together. It really is a joyous time," said Temple Hesed's Rabbi Daniel Swartz.

Rabbi Swartz is preparing for Friday's big Hanukkah celebration at Temple Hesed in Scranton. It's a night filled with tradition and lots of food made by the rabbi himself.

"Myself, the president, and a couple of people will make a whole variety of latkes, these fried potato pancakes," said Rabbi Swartz. "I'm making pizza latkes, which I've never done before, but it seems like an interesting idea."

While the menorah is lit, it burns a little dimmer this year as tensions continue to flare in Gaza. The death toll now sits at 17,000 as the Israeli–Hamas war and humanitarian crisis continue to unfold.

"This is precisely why we need to celebrate. It's not a silly joy. It's not 'everything is OK in the world.' It's remembering that this kind of struggle is an ancient one," said Swartz.

Swartz says it's a trying time for many. However, resiliency continues to shine through, as it has for generations in the Jewish community.

"This is a chance to remind ourselves of why we're here, which is to help each other and to make our world a place that's more filled with light," he added.

Temple Hesed's Hanukkah Dinner is Friday at 6 p.m., with services after dinner beginning at 7 p.m. Rabbi Swartz says all are welcome to attend.


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