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COVID-19 cut PA Turnpike traffic by half, toll revenue loss at more than $100 million

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission said since the outbreak, the volume of traffic has dropped by 50 percent or about 20 million fewer vehicles.

PENNSYLVANIA, USA — The pandemic continues to crush the economy, and the Pennsylvania Turnpike is just the latest victim.

The turnpike commission said since the outbreak of COVID-19, it lost more than $100 million in toll revenue.

Drivers on the Pennsylvania Turnpike may have noticed recently, they've got a lot of roadway to themselves.

The Turnpike Commission said since the outbreak of COVID-19, the volume of traffic has dropped by 50 percent or about 20 million fewer vehicles, with many people opting out of travel.

Commercial traffic has remained steady but is at lower levels when compared to pre-pandemic numbers.

Gregory Edmond was driving back from Philadelphia to Sunbury and noticed the lack of cars.

"Mostly trucks, mostly trucks," said Edmond.

Ken Swenk is among those avoiding travel but had to use the turnpike to bring his grandkids back to their home in Dallas.

"My daughter is a nurse, so we've been helping out watching them, younger kids while she's been having to work," said Swenk. "We try not to travel much, but sometimes you got to."

With the drop in traffic means a dip in toll collections. In the past two months, the turnpike said it has already lost $112 million in toll revenue.

But there could be an increase in traffic on the turnpike, particularly traffic headed into New Jersey. New Jersey's governor said the beaches in his state will be open by Memorial Day with social distancing and capacity limitations established at all beaches.

Still, some said it's a bad idea and believe people from neighboring states will flock to New Jersey.

"They've opened the beaches in Florida, and then they closed them again, they've done the same thing in California," said Carol Pearson from Syracuse.

"I think it's a little too soon, I really think it's a little too soon," said Edmond.

Others are fine with it.

"We can't isolate, we're not creatures to isolate," said Swenk.

To offset the revenue loss, the turnpike has already begun making major reductions to its proposed budget for 2021.

That includes a hiring freeze for both management and union positions.

RELATED: Not so welcome sign at New Jersey-Pennsylvania border

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