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Faith-based group feeds hundreds every week

Organizers and volunteers get together every week to help folks in Columbia and Montour Counties.

BLOOMSBURG, Pa. — Over the past four years, every Thursday, a small group of volunteers and organizers from AGAPE came together to lend a helping hand to families who are struggling.

And this Thursday, it's no different.

The faith-based group in Bloomsburg created Fresh Express, which serves fresh produce and non-perishable food from the Pennsylvania Food Bank to the people of Columbia and Montour Counties.

Coordinator Ruth Thomas, who says she's never missed a Thursday, hopes that people understand there are still good individuals out there who are willing to help others.

"They appreciate the fact that volunteers are willing to come out during this virus to help and make sure that people are getting feed," Thomas said.

Typically, Fresh Express is run inside AGAPE headquarters. However, because of the pandemic, the group has had to switch gears and begin operating through a drive-thru.

On average, regardless of the coronavirus, AGAPE feeds over 500 families a week.

Preparation for Fresh Express is done every Tuesday and Wednesday, and many people say if it weren't for the volunteers, it wouldn't be as successful as it is.

"They don't have to be out here, but they are, and that's a wonderful thing. They're helping other people that are less fortunate, and it's a wonderful thing," Thomas said.

Volunteers say whether they are sorting, separating, or distributing the food, they're just happy to help.

"There are selfish feelings, and then they're not. I'm glad to be able to help with something like this. It's tremendously gratifying to see the people come in and expect this food. Most of the people just can't say enough about it for us," said board member Bob Sitler.

People we spoke with who received food through Fresh Express, say while they are extremely grateful, this is truly what community is all about.

"We help each other; we bring each other up. And when the going gets tough, the tough get going, and that's the way it's always been."

AGAPE says its mission is to assist with a hand up, not a handout.

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