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Shelter Director Buys Home for Two Dogs, Veteran

LANSFORD, Pa. — Tom Connors is the director of the Carbon County Animal Shelter but he met Sugar Belle and Lily about six months before they were tenants ...

LANSFORD, Pa. -- Tom Connors is the director of the Carbon County Animal Shelter but he met Sugar Belle and Lily about six months before they were tenants in his kennels.

The dog's owner was preparing Tom to care for the dogs while she went into the hospital for surgery and he promised that while she was getting healthy he'd make sure the dogs were well cared for.

"It turned out the operation went bad and she never came home from the hospital," said Tom Connors, Carbon County Animal Shelter.

Connors tried to find a home for Sugar Belle and Lily but he required potential adopters to give both of them the same home.

"Everyone wanted the basset hound but no one wanted the rotty," said Connors.

Unwilling to separate the sisters and determined to keep his promise to their owner he decided to buy the dogs a half double in Lansford.

The house took Connors about a month to prepare before the dog's arrival.

One issue they had was these steep stairs were the only way to access the backyard so they built this special ramp to give them easier access.

The dog's former owner used them as therapy dogs for veterans at a facility in Wilkes Barre.

That's why Connors chose a veteran to live here with the dogs as their caretaker.

"Bringing these 2 back here it gives me a purpose in life. it gives me a routine i need to follow. for what they did they deserve anything they can get at this point in their lives," said Tom Probert, Lansford.

"I'm really excited the community has embraced us and is happy we're here and I'm hoping they can live a long life here and enjoy each others company and all 3 of them have some peace now," said Connors.

The home is adorned with plenty of dog portraits, toys, and military memorabilia but they are still in need of a washing machine, some bookshelves, and some gardening tools.

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