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Homeowner helping school kids with Halloween display

A homeowner in Carbon County is using his Halloween display to give back to the local school district.

NESQUEHONING, Pa. — Along West Garibaldi Avenue in Nesquehoning, you'll find plenty of homes decorated for Halloween, but one really stands out.

Alan Kloss is the man behind this display, which features a couple of skeletons standing 10 feet tall, a real coffin, and tombstones. He's been decorating for Halloween for the past several years.

"Last year, we were at a much bigger property. We're actually in the process of looking for a location that has a bigger front yard so we can do a lot more. So for right now, in the process of moving, we actually weren't even going to decorate this year, but when a lot of people in town heard we weren't going to do it, we were like, 'Well, we got to do something,'" Kloss said.

Kloss is once again using his display to give back to the community. For the second year in a row, he's collecting school supplies for Panther Valley.

"I like to do it because we did have a good turnout last year, and especially for it being something that a lot of people in town enjoy with the Halloween everything, it's nice to see everyone kind of come together and not only have something fun to look at but something to try and also give back."

Despite this year's display being smaller than last year's, Kloss hopes his labor of love is enjoyed by many.

"Halloween is something that you can be totally creative, totally different. I mean, you can see all the same Christmas lights, but when it comes to Halloween, there are always new monsters, and there's always a new twist you can put on something."

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