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Woman honors 9/11 with 9.11 mile walk

Newswatch 16's Emily Kress shows us the patriotic trek.

MONROE COUNTY, Pa. — As traffic whizzes by, Laura Maguire of Marshalls Creek proudly walks along Route 209 in Smithfield Township with an American flag on her shoulder. 

"This is my way of people seeing the American flag, and hopefully, it sparks something in them that makes them remember it is 9/11. This is a day for mourning but also a day to celebrate America," explained Maguire. 

With honks of support, the 21-year marine veteran has done this walk on September 11th for the last four years, going the distance of 9.11 miles.

Step by step, she remembers that day. 

"At the time it happened, we were stationed with the Maryland Chemical and Biological Incident Response Force, so we were on standby to go and help out at the Twin Towers, but we never got activated." 

Maguire says she will continue this walk to make sure we never forget. 

"I like bringing awareness to the lives that were lost. Over 2,000 lives lost on 9/11, and I feel like it's been so long people don't remember their families, they don't remember the lives lost and the sacrifices made by our military for the civilians of our country," said Maguire. 

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