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Traveling with your prescriptions | Healthwatch 16

Geisinger wants to make sure you are sightseeing instead of searching for a pharmacy this summer.

DANVILLE, Pa. — Summer is a time for traveling with family and friends. When you go on vacation, you want to relax and not worry about something you left at home.

When it comes to traveling with medication, Geisinger pharmacists say the more prepared you are, the better. Refill your prescriptions before you leave, and if you forget something, ask your hotel for a reputable pharmacy.

"If you do by chance forget something or lose something, that you are prepared to secure a new supply of your important medication when you get there quickly," said Joe Lobrutto, pharmacy manager at Geisinger Community Medical Center.

Lobrutto says to make sure to pack your medications properly when you fly.

"Put them in your carry-on versus the luggage you're going to check, just to make sure it's with you in case you lose your bags."

Some medications require special storage. Lobrutto recommends traveling with cold packs.

"It would always be a good idea to call ahead to the hotel at your destination to make sure there will be a refrigerator available in your room or elsewhere to store that medication safely so it stays at the appropriate temperature for the duration of your stay."

If you lose your medications, call your home pharmacy. They can usually transfer your prescriptions so you can refill them normally.

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