PENNSYLVANIA, USA — Every day on Newswatch 16 at 5:30 pm we go through the COVID-19 data, but we wanted to go beyond the numbers today.
Newswatch 16's Jon Meyer asked on his Facebook page for those who currently or very recently had covid to share their symptoms so we have a better understanding of what's going on.. and what to look out for ourselves... and he got hundreds of very helpful responses, from those who are unvaccinated, vaccinated and boosted.
Let's start with Kat. She says she's unvaccinated and has it now, body aches for 2 days and has a mild fever. Kat has also had a sore throat for about 5 days, ongoing cough and congestion.
Marlana said literally everyone in her house has it right now, some fully vaxxed, some boosted, some, not at all, two immunocompromised. All have the same symptoms, very tired, achy, chills, headache, sore through and cough... no one has trouble breathing, no one lost taste or smell.
Nicole says she's vaccinated, but no booster yet. She planned it, but COVID had other plans. She's had symptoms for two weeks. Scratchy throat and a headache, then pains and congestion. She said she's had every symptom. Feels better, then has a setback. She feels like she's been beaten up.
Sue says her 16-year-old had a horrible headache that went to flu-like symptoms. Whole body aches, fever chills, couldn't sleep. Now, mom has the same symptoms. Neither are vaccinated.
Jean's grandson at 4 years old tested positive before Christmas but had no symptoms.
Christine is vaccinated and has it now. It started with being very tired and a bad headache, then stuffed up and lost her voice. A week later she says she still doesn't have it back. She feels fine one moment, then nauseous and run down the next and hoping it ends soon.
Marianne is just getting over it she hopes. She's fully vaccinated with the booster. She describes a headache, fever, stuffed head, body aches and day 7 with no taste, smell, diarrhea and nauseous.
Shelly's husband has COVID pneumonia. Started with a headache. He had both Moderna shots, but was waiting to get a booster after knee replacement. He's hoping to go home from the hospital soon.
Georgene is vaccinated and boosted, she tested positive likely with Omicron. Sunday started nonstop sneezing, blowing her nose and a scratchy throat. Monday, the same with a horrible headache. Her head feels like a block of wood. Can't smell or taste anything.
Kasey is vaccinated and boosted, her only symptom was a stuffy nose which she says is typical, but she got a test before the holidays and was positive.
Read more viewer COVID stories on Jon's Facebook page.