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National Association of Hispanic Journalists 40th Conference | Jeremy's Journeys

Meteorologist Jeremy Lewan brings you an exclusive look at the conference, held this year in Hollywood, and interviews some of ABC News's loudest Latino voices.

LOS ANGELES — "Bienvenidos a las Aventuras de Jeremy," A spanish meaning for welcome to Jeremy's Journeys! This time we find Jeremy in Hollywood at the National Association of Hispanic Journalists 40th Annual Conference!

Los Angeles is known for its glitz and glamour, and actors flock from all over the world to pursue careers there.

However, the City of Angels has a special significance to the Latino community as well: nearly 5 million Latinos call LA County home, making it the nation's largest Hispanic population and the perfect backdrop for the NAHJ's milestone 40th conference.

WNEP's parent company, TEGNA, selected Jeremy and five other Hispanic employees from various stations around the country to receive a grant, which enabled them to attend the conference. 

Credit: WNEP
Regina Yurrita, San Diego; Makayla Lucero, D.C.; Marangeli Lopez, Tyler, TX; Jeremy Lewan; Chris Bianchi, Denver; Melissa Hernandez De La Cruz, TEGNA.

Jeremy joined more than 1,800 talented Hispanic journalists for a near week-long symposium of professional growth, learning new skills to create news stories that better serve our communities here in central and northeastern Pennsylvania, especially aiming to amplify Latino voices. 

He attended storytelling workshops and journalism lectures, sat in on special events and Town Hall meetings, and met legends in the industry.

"Seeing us all together, realizing that, makes you feel like you're not alone," smiled Cat McKenzie, executive producer of the show GMA3, a third-hour of GMA aired on ABC stations at 1 PM Eastern.

Credit: NAHJ
Jeremy interviews Cat McKenzie, Executive Producer of GMA3, outside of the ABC News booth at the NAHJ Career Fair and Expo.

Cat McKenzie's presence and representation in a high-level news role made Jeremy feel affirmed in this industry. She and he are both Panamanian, and he had never met someone from Panama in the news before.

"I don't only speak for my people, but I speak for everybody," Cat continued. "Part of bringing your authentic self to work is making sure that people that look like me, and have my experience are seen on television, that their voice is being heard. Which isn't at the expense of other voices! There's plenty of space—there's plenty of minutes on TV for all of us!"

ABC's Gio Benitez and Melissa Adan attended the conference in Hollywood, and they credit the organization with catapulting their careers to the national stage.

Gio recalled, "I think back to 2012 when I came to this conference, and it's there that I actually made the contacts to even join ABC News. Because there's this great big job fair, that's a part of it." Melissa chimed in, "That's how I got my job at ABC News. Actually, I don't even know if you even knew that!" pointing at Gio.

Melissa's run with NAHJ has come full circle.

"It was 10 or 12 years ago, and then I really wanted to go to the NAHJ Hall of Fame Gala and I thought it would be like, so amazing. And Gio was like, 'Yeah, I'll get you in.' Now, this year, this year's NAHJ, I'm hosting the gala, and I am so excited," she beamed. 

Gio added with pride, "Isn't that amazing? And that's the power of community."

NAHJ's "power of community" has supported ABC's John Quiñones from the infancy of his career. This conference was especially important to him, as he was inducted into this year's NAHJ Hall of Fame at the gala that Melissa hosted.

"It's a tremendous honor. I've been with the organization for all these decades. And I started when I first came into local radio and television, so what an honor!" John exclaimed.

Credit: NAHJ
Marangeli Lopez of TEGNA's station in Tyler, Texas, films Jeremy interviewing John Quiñones after he was inducted into the NAHJ Hall of Fame.

"When I was a young reporter, there was no one who I could relate to, except Geraldo Rivera on 20/20. And there was only one, you know? And that's why I continue to give advice, to speak at colleges and universities, and try to be a role model for people like you!" he bellowed, patting Jeremy on the shoulder.

It seems that Jeremy has also been welcomed into the NAHJ's warm community with open arms.

"And that's what NAHJ does, is that you get the power of community here, Jeremy—now we met you, right? And now you're part of our community!" Gio smiled.

Credit: WNEP
Melissa Adan and Gio Benitez stop for a photo after Jeremy's interview with them.

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