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16 To The Rescue: Walena

In this week's 16 To The Rescue we meet a cat named Walena, rescue workers say she was a "TNR fail." She was trapped and fixed but was too friendly to be released.

BLOOMSBURG, Pa. — In this week's 16 To The Rescue we meet a street cat who was too friendly to stay on the streets, and in the two months she has been living in her foster home in Columbia County, she's proven volunteers right. 

"She's gone through a couple of different treatments for her skin, she had a URI that needed to be addressed, and she needed to gain some weight. So now that she is plump and healthy, she's ready for adoption," said foster and volunteer Kate Magni, Friends and Ferals.

Walena is what volunteers with Friends and Ferals refer to as a 'trap, neuter and release fail.' Walena was part of a cat colony in Berwick, and after being trapped and fixed back in June, volunteers knew immediately she was too friendly to be returned outside. 

Walena was emaciated, missing fur from a skin infection, and was underweight when she was found two months ago, but you'd never know she wasn't ever anything but loved considering how she is now. She's made herself right at home here in her foster home in Bloomsburg. 

"Walena is extremely affectionate, kind of obnoxiously affectionate. If you're not paying attention to her, she will make sure you are paying attention to her. She will grab onto your hand. She'll rub her into you. She might give you a little love nibble," Magni said.

That's why volunteers with Friends and Ferals are looking for Walena's forever home. They estimate her to be about 1 or 2 years old. They say despite the condition she was in when she came to live in her foster home back in June, she is perfectly healthy now. 

"I would love to see Walena in a home with more people than animals just because she loves people so much. She gets along well with the other foster dogs and cats in the house but she is more interested in what the people are doing. So while she'd be fine to have canine or feline siblings, she would love a house with as many people as possible," said Magni.

Walena lives in a foster home with kids, too, a 2-year-old and a 2-month-old. She plays with the toddler and is gentle with the baby. Volunteers say she would just make the perfect addition to your family. 

"She's been posted on our Facebook, she's been posted on PetFinder, we've taken her to events. No one has expressed interest just because she's not that unique looking, she's not that tragic of a back story. She is kind of just another community cat. But she really deserves a home and thrive in a home where she can have a family and not just be another cat," Magni said.

If you think you can give Walena the perfect home, you can find her adoption information by clicking here.

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