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16 To The Rescue: Snoopy

In this week's 16 To The Rescue we meet a beagle/lab mix who has had a lot of interest in the two months he's been living at the shelter, but nothing has stuck.

HONESDALE, Pa. — In this week's 16 To The Rescue, we meet a 4-year-old dog who has had a lot of interest in the two months since he's been living at the shelter, but for some reason, nothing has panned out. Rescue workers hope featuring him this week will change that.

"He sees you, he's going to bark, because he's saying 'I want to talk to you right now,'" said Linda Gambone, Dessin Animal Shelter.

That is the hound in him. Snoopy is a beagle/lab mix and is truly the best of both breeds. He has been living at Dessin Animal Shelter near Honesdale for about two months now. Snoopy's previous owner had a life change and had to give up him and his sister. She was since adopted. Now it's Snoopy's turn.

"Snoopy is one of the friendliest dogs you'll ever meet. Both of these dogs were very healthy, well trained, well socialized. They took good care of them and he's just a really friendly guy," Gambone said.

Snoopy is about 4 years old, so he does not have any more puppy energy, but he is still young and active. Snoopy had a great life, and is adjusting to his new life here at the shelter. 

"He's very patient, but he's pretty stressed. He is so used to a nice home life and people. He's doing pretty good but two months is enough for him. He's ready," Gambone said.

Snoopy gets along great with other dogs, cats, and loves all people. Rescue workers recommend older kids, just because he's a bit on the bigger side, but they say he'd be so happy anywhere and with anyone. 

"A variety of homes which is great. With other dogs or other animals, an active home. He's about medium energy. He likes to get out there and sniff around a lot but when he's with you, he's just laying around and rolling around. He'll be really chill with his people," said Gambone.

Snoopy also loves a car ride. Rescue workers at Dessin always bring him along for errands, and he is more than happy to be included. 

"He is a turn key dog. He is so adoptable. He is ready to go. He is ready to get out of here. He doesn't need any training, he'll fit right in with you. Any kind of family dynamic," Gambone said.

If you would like to meet Snoopy you can find his adoption information by clicking here.

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