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16 To The Rescue: Lola and Chuckie

In this week's 16 To The Rescue, we meet a bonded pair of Chihuahua/mixes named Lola and Chuckie.

MT CARMEL, Pa. — In this week's 16 To The Rescue, we meet a bonded pair of Chihuahua/mixes named Lola and Chuckie.

"They have to go out to the bathroom together. They eat together, they sleep together," said Carol Kalinowski, Mommy and Me Rescue.

And that is why rescue workers hope Lola and Chuckie can stay together. Mommy and Me Rescue in Mt. Carmel took the bonded pair in as strays about two months ago. They don't know much about their past, but they do know, Lola and Chuckie are better together.

"It would be a shame if we had to separate them, and it would take us quite a while to get them acclimated to separating them. I just don't think they would do well separated," Kalinowski said.

Rescue workers think they're both about two years old, so they definitely still act puppy-like at times. 

"Their interactions together, they're very comical. Lola likes to go up and nip on his hind legs and then he turns around and nips on hers. They chase each other and kick mulch up in the air," said Kalinowski.

Lola and Chuckie are house-trained and can go to a home with other dogs. Rescue workers say they can be shy meeting new people, they think Lola and Chuckie must have gone through some trauma before they were dumped. But they didn't have a problem with the camera and immediately showed just how sweet they are. 

"Probably no little kids because they are a little bit nervous meeting people. I think little kids might be too much activity for them, and surprises and loud noises and things," Kalinowski said.

But other than that, Lola and Chuckie are ready to be adopted and rescue workers say they will make the most amazing pets. 

"They would like a home that can take them on walks; they love going on walks. But they also like just being couch potatoes and watching tv and relaxing with people. They're very sweet dogs; they like to give kisses," Kalinowski said.

If you want to meet Lola and Chuckie you can find their adoption information by clicking HERE.

You can also support Mommy and Me Rescue Saturday at the Rock for Rescues fundraiser at Route 61 Events near Sunbury. 

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