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16 To The Rescue: Firefox

In this week's 16 To The Rescue, we meet a 2-year-old Australian Shepherd/Beagle mix who rescue workers describe as the perfect dog, one they hope is an easy place.

SCRANTON, Pa. — In this week's 16 To The Rescue, we meet a 2-year-old Australian Shepherd/Beagle mix who rescue workers describe as the perfect dog, one they hope is an easy place. 

"Right from day one, he's just going to lick your face and play, and he's just going to fit right into that family right from day one," said Brian Donahue, Friends with Paws Pet Rescue. 

Firefox is living at Friends with Paws Pet Rescue in Scranton. He was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Kentucky in June and is now looking for his forever home. 

"He's young, he's friendly, he's energetic. He gets along with dogs. He loves people. He's the perfect dog. And he's a stunner. His beautiful, beautiful eyes," said Donahue.

His eyes are most likely the first thing you notice about him. The other thing you'll quickly notice about Firefox is just how friendly it is. During our interview, Firefox got nice and comfy under the tripod right at my feet. 

"He'll always be next to you. He wants to be with you. That's why I think if you're a hiker, you're a biker, you're a runner, just an outdoor kind of person. I think he'd be great in a kayak or a boat. I just think he'll be a lot of fun," Donahue said.

Rescue workers would love to see Firefox go to an active home with an outdoorsy family. The home can have other dogs or not, kids or not. Rescue workers say Firefox is house-trained, doesn't shed much, and is pretty low-maintenance. 

"He'd keep your kids busy, he'll grow up with your kids, he's only 2. He'd just make a great family companion," said Donahue.

If you would like to meet Firefox, you can find his adoption information by clicking here.

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