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Picking out the perfect pooch during the pandemic

Looking to start or grow your fur-family? Newswatch 16 teamed up with a pro who offered tips on choosing the right dog breed for you and your loved ones.

With so many expected to be working or going to school from home a lot longer than expected due to the pandemic, dog trainers say it's still a solid time to think about extending your fur-family like getting a dog.

But how do you know what breed is right for your home and family?

Newswatch 16's Ryan Leckey teamed up with Michele Rhoades, a dog trainer with more than two decades of experience. 

Michele is the owner of Mannered Mutts LLC based in Rush Township, Schuylkill County. That's just outside of Tamaqua. Here's her Facebook page.

Michele shared several "news you can use tips" with Ryan on things to consider when picking out your pooch. 

The American Kennel Club also offers a "Dog Breed Selector" to help you find the right fit. Learn more here.

Michele's key points to consider before you get a dog:

She expanded upon these on Newswatch 16 This Morning. 

  • Analyze your lifestyle 
  • Know and understand the breed you are thinking of
  • Breeder / Shelter or Rescue 
  • Couch potato vs. High Energy
  • Senior dog vs. puppy
  • Elderly / College student looking for a dog

Adding a second dog?

  • Make sure personalities don't clash
  • Match the energy of the current dog

Overall, Michele says to ask a professional.

Did you know?

  • Every breed has a rescue
  • Rescue dogs need a "shut down" time before you introduce them to world
  • We have a small window to socialize our puppies
  • 95% of all behavior problems can be solved with exercise and training

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