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From one 'Ville to another

Businesses surrounding the Danville area chipped in to make sure a little league team from Texas had some of the comforts of home.

MONTOUR COUNTY, Pa. — Although the two places are separated by more than 1,500 miles, Thursday evening saw businesses from the surrounding Danville area make sure the little league team from Needville Texas had a proper night off.

"They had plans somewhere else, due to the weather it got canceled and they needed a space originally," said Lauren Terry, General Manager of Pine Barn Inn. "We absolutely gave them the space and then food kind of became a quick talk and knowing us and knowing our community, by two o'clock we had everything done."

With several local businesses sending in money and gifts, the banquet hall at the Pine Barn Inn in Mahoning township was filled with games, drinks and food.

A kind of hospitality that reminds Charlie Swanson, of home.

"Danville People are like the Needville people," said Swanson. "They are a community and they take care of their own and they are treating us like their own. You can tell by what you see here this evening they have really stepped up and treated us like family."

"We were with the boys at the complex, but throughout the day we were getting messages, this is coming together, that's coming together," said the teams head coach coach Clint Jablonski. "This is just amazing."

 Jablonski, says the quick change of plan  offered his team a chance to unwind. Giving them an opportunity to just be kids.

"We it's just nice to like get a break from like baseball, that stress and anxiety of how you're gonna play next or what you're going to do next all that stuff," said outfielder Cade Hammonds.

"It's really fun," said Donnie Jablonski, a pitcher for the Southwest region. "It's like you're really relaxed and your not really focusing like before a game."

Coach Jablonski says it'll be back to the batting cages tomorrow as the Southwest region has one more rest day before the Little League Baseball US Final this Saturday.

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