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Flag Day Celebrated In Honesdale

HONESDALE, Pa — In a celebration of the Stars and Stripes, people gathered on this Flag Day at the Wayne County Courthouse. “First and foremost, it ...

HONESDALE, Pa -- In a celebration of the Stars and Stripes, people gathered on this Flag Day at the Wayne County Courthouse.

"First and foremost, it is a representation of our country which I love and feel is great. I always have a welling of pride when I see it waving," said Shanna Kambic of Honesdale.

Scottie Ogden served as a Marine in the Pacific theater during World War II. He says Flag Day gives Americans the chance to show respect for the flag.

"We have always had wars ever since the country was founded and the flag has endured; it is our model," Ogden said.

People came out to celebrate Flag Day and some folks brought their children.

Pennsylvania is the only state to celebrate Flag Day as a state holiday.

Deby Gumpper used the day to educate her grandchildren about the flag.

"Respect the flag, maybe, and not to let it touch the ground, and how to get rid of them. We talked about it on the way down," she said.

As the flags waved in windy Honesdale, the people gathered here were thankful for all those who fought to make waving the flag possible.

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