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String of Car Break-Ins Putting Community on High Alert

LANSFORD — A string of car break-ins in Carbon County has a community on guard. “I’m scared. I’m scared that my windows are going to get...

LANSFORD -- A string of car break-ins in Carbon County has a community on guard.

"I'm scared. I'm scared that my windows are going to get broken. I have little ones," Melissa Hosier of Lansford said.

"My kids and myself, we monitor our cars. Most of us have security alarms on our cars. We keep an eye out for unknown people in the neighborhood that are new and might be walking around the cars, so I guess you would call it a high alert situation," John Bachert of Lansford said.

Lansford Police say there have been six car break-ins reported to them since Thursday. They've noticed a trend, though; most of the time the cars have been unlocked.

"I keep them locked all the time now. During the day, I didn't lock my doors. Now, during the day I'm locking my doors," Hosier said.

Denise Knittle lives on Water Street in Lansford, where some of the break-ins have been reported. It has brought her back to the time when her car was broken into four years ago. That was the reason she had surveillance cameras installed.

"He stole everything that was in that car, so now we keep them locked. All the neighbors here pretty much look out for each other," Knittle said.

Neighbors say Water Street, in particular, is especially dark at night. They say they've noticed an increase in police presence the last couple of weeks. Police are telling neighbors to keep their porch lights on at night

"Everyone's saying right now the east side is getting hit. What happens when they're done with the east side, they're going to come over to the west side," Hosier said.

Police hope with the help of neighbors' surveillance cameras an arrest will be made, and keeping those porch lights on can help with that.

"It's a small town so we kind of know each other and with more and more people coming in we kind of get to know our neighbors just to be on that safer side," Bachert said.

Lansford Police say some of the broken into cars have been attempted to be hotwired, but that has been unsuccessful. They do say a Harley Davidson motorcycle was successfully taken, but police have recovered it. If you have any information, call Lansford Police.

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