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Feed A Friend Distribution Day In Scranton

SCRANTON — It was a huge effort inside Covenant Presbyterian Church in Scranton. Volunteers were helping 1,500 families have a happy Thanksgiving. That in...
feed a friend

SCRANTON -- It was a huge effort inside Covenant Presbyterian Church in Scranton. Volunteers were helping 1,500 families have a happy Thanksgiving.

That includes people like Terrez Bruce of Scranton. She has seven children and a lot of worries but now buying the food for a fun, family Thanksgiving isn't one of them.

"This is going to be so much help. This is really good. I'm so happy I don't have to cook. My husband is going to cook for us."

United Neighborhood Centers along with WNEP-TV' s Feed a Friend program is providing all he needs to cook her and the family that big turkey dinner.

Every family getting help here must have a child under 18.

"I just want to thank this organization for making it possible for everyone to feed their families because everyone is falling on hard times right now, and I'm one of those people," Bruce said.

We told you last week that United Neighborhood Centers was still $10,000 dollars short to pay for all this food. They got some of that, but still need helping paying it off.

"Yes, we are still hoping, Jon. Yeah, we're still short, like I said, about $6,000. There's still a need," said Jill Moyle, United Neighborhood Centers.

The reason this costs so much per family is that much of the food is perishable. You can't have a Thanksgiving dinner without a turkey and you can't put that in a barrel at a store.

"I think that it's really cool, now everyone can eat and have fun with their family," said Julie Pabst, Northeast Intermediate School.

More than 100 volunteers from businesses and schools are seeing firsthand the need in this community.

"It's sad but it's also cool that we're helping them, helping them have a good Thanksgiving," said Mara Hughes, Northeast Intermediate School.

"This is going to be a great, great Thanksgiving thanks to this organization," Bruce added.

And thanks to all the donors who helped, and will help, pay for it.

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