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Fall festival in Luzerne County celebrates history

The festival was held and celebrated Brainerd Church in Sugarloaf.

SUGARLOAF, Pa. — The historic Brainerd Church in Sugarloaf held its annual festival to celebrate the season.

There were crafters, and plenty of food, including some Halloween treats.

Visitors could also take a tour of the small church and adjacent one-room schoolhouse.

While the church isn't active every Sunday, it hasn't changed since it was built in 1853.

"I've always thought, if we don't know where we're from, we can't know why we're here,  where we're at, and we have no idea where we're going. We have to know where we've come from and why we've done certain things to know where we are what direction we should be going in," said Karen Kuba, Sugarloaf.

All of the proceeds from Sunday's event are used for maintenance costs for the church, schoolhouse, and cemetery in Luzerne County.

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