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Honoring supermarket essential employees

February 22 is Supermarket Employee Day. It started because of their efforts in the pandemic.

SCRANTON, Pa. — Last year, February 22 was named Supermarket Employee Day after it was seen how essential these workers were during the pandemic.

A locally-owned grocery store showed its employees some appreciation, and customers say it is well deserved.

During the height of the pandemic, places like Gerrity's Supermarkets were the only ones open providing people with essentials. And it's why Supermarket Employee Day started last year.

"It was last-minute last year, so this year we had time to plan. We're doing giveaways for all of our employees. We're doing prize drawings. We gave them all t-shirts for the day. We have signs, we have press releases, social media posts to make sure all of our customers know, and we're doing a catered lunch for everybody too," said Gerrity's co-owner Joe Fasula.

'It is very nice. And they do give out gift cards and lunch vouchers. And grocery vouchers and everything like that," Theresa Phillips said.

"The first couple months when it first started, we had customers come in bringing pizza or doughnuts. Some were making masks for our employees, cards. It was nice and then it kind of died down for a little bit. And now it seems like it's going to be a yearly thing," Dana Bozym said.

This year, customers are continuing to show that appreciation.

"I think it's great because they're all wonderful, all the employees in the meat department, produce, everywhere. I can't say nothing but good things about them. Really, I mean, they go out of their way to help you. And it's just phenomenal that they really do a good job," said Al Aukscunas.

"We appreciate it because it's endless hours. it's constant around the clock," Bozym added. "You never know what we're getting, workload-wise, with trucks being delayed and the shipping process. So to be appreciated, it's nice."

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