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Bikers Roll Through Northeast Pennsylvania in Support of Trump

MOOSIC — The second presidential debate of 2016 is set for Sunday night, and for Donald Trump, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Over the past 48 hours...

MOOSIC -- The second presidential debate of 2016 is set for Sunday night, and for Donald Trump, the stakes couldn't be higher.

Over the past 48 hours, a number of GOP officials have renounced him, some even calling for him to quit the campaign.

One congressman from our area says he's standing by his candidate.

Some people at the "Bikers for Trump" rally in Lackawanna County said they are disappointed about Republicans withdrawing their support for Trump, but Congressman Tom Marino, the first US representative to endorse Trump, says he's not worried.

Marino was joined by hundreds of Trump supporters as the “Bikers for Trump” ride rolled through parts of Lackawanna and Susquehanna Counties.

While everyone we spoke with says they are standing by Trump after hearing a recording of him talking about groping women, a long list of Republican office-holders have withdrawn their support.

“It is disappointing. I think they should be ashamed of themselves. He is the Republican candidate,” said Luann Manning of Scranton.

Marino was the first congressman in the country to endorse Trump. He tells Newswatch 16 it's hard to envision any scenario where he would dump Trump.

“I still support Donald Trump, and there is nothing that is going to change me from supporting Donald Trump, nothing at this point. I don't like what was said about women years ago, but that was years ago,” Marino said.

Marino dismisses the list of legislators who have backed away from the Republican nominee.

“They can do what they want. I am my own man. They can do what they want.”

Marino's opponent is Democrat Mike Molesevich of Lewisburg.

“Mr. Trump has been an embarrassment to his country and to the world, and unfortunately, my opponent Mr. Marino still is supporting him,” Molesevich said.

He believes Marino's loyalty to Trump could cost the congressman votes.

“It shows poor judgment on Mr. Marino's part in continuing to support him. If Mr. Marino had the courage and had some character himself, he would rescind his endorsement and show that he is the man that he portrays himself to be,” added Molesevich.

Marino believes Trump needs to focus more on the issues as the campaign moves forward.

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