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Wintry Mix Coats Northern Tier

WYSOX — Conditions are expected to improve by Monday afternoon and that includes the northern tier that got its share of this latest winter blast. Scrappi...
brad snow

WYSOX -- Conditions are expected to improve by Monday afternoon and that includes the northern tier that got its share of this latest winter blast.

Scrapping and beeping could be heard in so many Bradford County neighborhoods Monday, the sounds of clean up from winter's latest mix which dumped about four inches by sunrise in Wysox.

Although many including Nancy Andrews from Wayne, New Jersey say the storm that socked the east coast overnight is a far cry from a blizzard, it was enough to force her to put the brakes on travel. We caught up with her outside her hotel.

"Kind of got stuck. It's not as bad here but in New Jersey, it's icy rain which makes the roads almost impossible. I'm going to stay until tomorrow and head out in the morning."

Nancy was in town visiting her daughter Molly who goes to school in our area.

People tell us the commute really didn't slow them down. What took so long to get going was cleaning off the mess found on so many cars and trucks.

"It took me 10 to 15 minutes to get into my car," Molly Andrews said. "And then move it around to get to the other side of it, a lot of work just to get on the road."

Roads in downtown Towanda also improved as the morning went on. Overnight along Main Street, people got up early to dig out to make sure it could be business as usual at places like the Red Rose Diner.

"I was thinking there was going to be more snow but it is what it is. We are going to get what we are going to get. Hey! It's Groundhog Day," said James Bonin.

According to Punxsutawney Phil, who saw his shadow this morning, wintry sights may just stick around for six more weeks.

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