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Poconos Church Marks Memorial Day

A church in the Poconos honored the brave men and women Monday who sacrificed their lives to protect our country’s freedom. The Light of the World Church ...
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A church in the Poconos honored the brave men and women Monday who sacrificed their lives to protect our country’s freedom.

The Light of the World Church in Stroudsburg marked Memorial Day with all sorts of patriotic flare, through music, costumes and prayer.

“We’ll be taking a moment throughout. We will have patriotic songs, we will have a time of prayer as we did yesterday so we will be taking time out to remember,” said Pastor Angelo Pierri.

The church has held this patriotic party for nearly 10 years and the pastor said each year it grows in size and in its message.

“Never forget, never forget why we have what we have. There’s a reason for it. It didn’t happen by accident.  It happened because of the sacrifice of so many people who gave their lives,” said Pastor Pierri.

Two veterans said they are happy to see so many people coming out to honor Memorial Day.

“I’m from a long line of patriots. I lost an uncle in World War II. He was a on a destroyer. It was sunk by a German boat 15 miles off the coast of Cape May,” said Matthew Jardel of Cresco.

“This country was built on people laying down their lives,” said Bob Morales of Blakeslee.

“For me, it’s a day to remember the men and women who gave their lives and there’s a price for the freedom we have,” said Jardel.

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